I don’t know how much further Walt can take his guidance to our distribution channel and businesses, but I keep reading and learning. As soon as I start feeling too comfortable, the business evolves again and I better adjust or lose ground.
John M. Vandy
I carefully read through your latest release, “Service Management: The Machinery Dealers Manager’s Handbook.”
My reaction: While titling your latest release a handbook, it really is more like a bible to be religiously used to prosper in the service industry. For motivated dealer managers and business owners, nothing like the content exists anywhere else to sustain continuous operations improvement, superb customer service and financial well being. If management consists of doing things right and leadership is knowing what things need to be prioritized and done right, then this book speaks to both. None else has assimilated the knowledge from working with over 2400 service managers and woven it into an instrument for excelling in service management and gaining a competitive advantage. Those who ignore the operational wisdom found in this handbook do so at their own peril. Thank you for channeling your passion into a work that can be passed on to generations of service operations personnel.
James A. Wilson,
Director of Dealer Development (ret.)
Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America
A great book for dealership product support. Emphasizing product support helps reduce the appearance of silos. When a service manager and parts manager understand each has a supporting role for each other, each has to depend on the other to be successful, then you’ll see a product support team. Good effective communication, metrics, and data shared between the two managers will ensure success and outstanding customer satisfaction. This is why I also believe in an overall product support manager who is also the coach & mentor to parts and service managers.
The section “Why I Wrote This Book” hit home immediately with the comments regarding a service manager moving up from the transaction level to the understanding of the “Big Picture”. Product Support employees are some of the hardest working people at the dealership, but usually do not get the access to the level of training required to be successful. Too many times the dealer principal does not completely understand the full value of outstanding product support.
Your book allows any level of service management to access the metrics, goals, and action plans to customize a plan matching the mangers skill level. The book is actually multiple books in one. Many sections go into parts metrics, dealer agreements, and combined operation metrics. Most of this combined information would also benefit a new Product Support Manager.
I can still remember my first day as a newly minted Product Support Manager; wishing I had a book for guidance and reference. But back then you were usually promoted based on your performance in your prior job. There were no shortcuts; you were on your own.
The information within the book helps avoid “firefighting,” which is a huge contributor to burnout. The only thing you get fighting fires is burnt feet!
Bottom line; great book, wish I had it 30 years ago! The information will benefit the new service manager as well as the experienced Product Support manager. One could easily use the metrics to measure where they are now and use the information to create a targeted improvement plan.
Bill Byles
General Product Support Manager
Multi-State Komatsu Dealer and Multi-State John Deere C&E Dealer
I’ve been reading various sections and can say without question, that it’s a wealth of useful information
Guy Vachon
Business Aftermarket Manager
Case Construction – CNH Industrial
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Successful Technician Recruiting
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Aftermarket Marketing and Sales
Customer Service and Retention
Executive Survey on What’s Working
World Class Best Practices
Dealer Development Training Resources
12 Essential Strategic Investments
Action Plans for Department Development
Service Management Bookshelf